Roast Beef Stuffed Baked Potatoes

Roast Beef Stuffed Baked Potatoes


4 large sized potatoes

Just Cut Roast Beef

Caramelized onion chutney we used store brought Barkers

1/3 cup Sour Cream

½ cup grated cheese of your choice


Cook Potatoes in the oven or microwave until soft and the flesh is easy to scoop out. Slice the top off and scoop the flesh out making sure you leave an edge that is thick enough so the potato wont cave in on itself and will withhold itself when filled back up (Make sure you wait until the potatoes are cool enough to handle).

Mix the potato filling with sour cream and season to taste and set aside.

Add a tablespoon of the onion chutney to the inside of the potato, then a layer of Just Cut Roast Beef (this might need to be folded over to fit inside the potato) then divide the potato filling evenly into each potato case and then top with cheese.

Place potatoes on to a baking tray and cook until the cheese has melted and heated throughout. Serve with extra sour cream.